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Kayla Itsines Bikini Bod Guide

A raw & unfiltered review of my experience & results.

Hey Ladies! By popular demand, I’m going to take you along with me on my Kayla Itsines BBG 12-Week Challenge. This post/ride-along is in no way sponsored by Kayla Itsines – it is simply a raw and unfiltered breakdown of my experience with her program.

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If you aren’t familiar with Kayla or her workouts, I suggest reading the full background. If you’re a seasoned vet, skip ahead to my results.



Kayla Itsines is a personal trainer specializing in the education and support of women’s health and fitness. An Instagram phenomenon with nearly 11 million followers, Kayla loves to promote inspiring transformations, delicious & healthy meal options, and workout videos.


Kayla offers at-home and in-gym workouts, as well as meal guides. I’ve chosen to focus my efforts on the 12 Week Bikini Body Workout Guide ONLY. I am not following the meal plan or the in-gym guide. All workouts are done in the comfort of my home and (primarily) without equipment.


So…let’s break down the guide itself.


Kayla organizes workouts into three categories: resistance training, cardio, and stretching.


Further broken down, cardio refers to either HIIT or LISS.


HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, consists of a ‘rest’ and a ‘work’ period.  Kayla organizes her intervals on a 30:30 basis in which you sprint at 90-100% capacity (at about 12-17kmph) for 30 seconds, then stand still for 30 seconds, and repeat.


LISS, or Low Intensity Steady State, is any moderate duration of cardiovascular exercise that maintains the same intensity throughout. Kayla suggests walking anywhere from 6-6.4kmph for 35-45 minutes.


To reiterate, 1 session of LISS is a 35-45 walk at a steady pace of 6-6.4kmph. 1 session of HIIT is 10-15 minutes of interval sprints on a 30:30 setup.


Kayla’s resistance training is done by way of high intensity circuit training. 


Each resistance workout takes 28 minutes: 2 rounds of 2 7-minute circuits. Additionally, Kayla suggests a 5-minute walk to warm up your muscles for resistance training.


Each circuit consists of 4 exercises. The goal is to exercise for the entire 7 minutes of the circuit without taking a break (hence “high intensity” circuit training).

In between each circuit you have 30-90 seconds to rest.


So, a full 28-minute resistance workout consists of:


Circuit #1 (7 minutes)

30-90 second break

Circuit #2 (7 minutes)

30-90 second break

Repeat Circuit #1 (7 minutes)

30-90 second break

Repeat Circuit #2 (7 minutes)

** Please be aware, Kayla’s guide doesn’t actually specify if the order should be circuit #1, circuit #2, circuit #1, circuit #2. It may very well be intended to follow this format: circuit #1, circuit #1, circuit #2, circuit #2.


Last, but DEFINITELY not least important, is the stretching workout. 1 session of rehabilitation refers to 2 rounds of 30 seconds per position of stretch.


That’s the gist of it. Once you understand the three different workout categories, the next step is to plan your weekly routine. Kayla provides a few “guidelines” as well as a suggested/sample calendar. I highly recommend planning your calendar out and sticking to it. It is critical you follow her guidelines, or you won’t be able to complete workouts to their fullest.


The 12-week program is broken into 3 units.


In weeks 1-4 you’ll perform 2-3 resistance workouts, 2-3 LISS workouts, and 1 rehabilitation workout. Weeks 5-8 you’ll stick to 2-3 resistance workouts, kick it up to 4-5 sessions of LISS, and 1 rehab workout. Weeks 9-12 kill you at 3-4 resistance, 2-3 LISS, 1-2 HIIT, and 1-2 rehab.


So, when you hit week 9, it will be CRITICAL to plan out your workouts ahead of time.


My Experience

Although I don’t have serious gym/resistance experience, I consider myself relatively in-shape. I walk/run daily depending on my schedule and eat fairly healthy. It is of extreme importance that you don’t jump into Kayla’s BBG without any prior pattern of exercise. Kayla suggests a few weeks of continued LISS (at a minimum) prior to starting the course.


Monday, Jan 7 (Day 1)

Day 1 of hell (just kidding) consisted of a resistance workout focusing on legs & cardio. Remember each circuit consists of 4 workouts and lasts for 7 minutes. The goal is to stay active without a break, so once you make it through the first 4 workouts, you repeat until your timer goes off. I made it through the set twice (two rounds of each workout) and was basically dead.


After a 60 second break I was ready to attack circuit 2, which consisted of 4 separate workouts. Again, I made it through each workout twice.


Repeat for round two of circuit one. I figured I would be progressively more tired with each circuit, however, I didn’t feel any more exhausted between circuit #1 round 1 and 2.  My muscles, however, started shaking and I had to slow myself down.


I made it to the final stretch (round 2 of circuit 2) but only through the workouts 1.5x (completed each of the four workouts, then was able to get in the first two workouts again, but unable to fit in the last two a second time).


By the end of this HIGHLY intensive circuit training I was nauseas and exhausted. I think the nausea came into play due to an excessive drinking of water (I downed nearly two bottles). Kayla warns against this in her guide, so remember NOT to drown yourself despite how dehydrated you feel. Sip on it.


Although I wasn’t immediately sore, I was extremely shaky and couldn’t continue to work out the muscles I utilized.


The next morning…holy hell. I could barely make it down the stairs. Remember to stretch! Although Kayla only highlights one rehabilitation workout per week (in the first two units) I found it extremely helpful to stretch throughout the day. It made the second day after leg day much more bareable.


Tuesday, Jan 8 (Day 2)

Day 2 was my first timed LISS workout (just 35-45 minutes of fast-walking). This was nothing out of the ordinary for me, so not much to note here. I suggest going for the entire 45 minutes – don’t cheat yourself! I walk outside at a steady rate of about 3.5 MPH. If you get bored walking, throw on a podcast or take your dog.


Wednesday, Jan 9 (Day 3)

Day 3 (Wednesday, Jan 9) was my first arm & abs resistance workout. Unlike legs & cardio, I didn’t find myself dying of sheer exhaustion and nausea. This being said, I did find the workouts themselves to be more difficult. I struggled (immensely) to push myself through each sit-up. My abs were also a bit sore from one of the leg workouts (not sure how or why) so I’m sure this didn’t help.  I also, embarrassingly, had to opt for “girl pushups” rather than the full-blown pushups. But I figure it’s better I actually make it through some sort of workout rather than lay on the floor unable to continue pushups!


I made it through about 1.5 sets of each circuit. Again, this means I made it through all four workouts and then workouts 1-2 for a second time. Similarly to leg day, I didn’t feel automatically sore. My abs/arms weren’t shaky in the way my legs were, either. I was initially concerned I hadn’t pushed hard enough or worked out “the right way,” but the day after I absolutely felt soreness throughout my arms and abdominals.


Thursday, Jan 10 (Day 4)

I'm officially caught up, so from today (Day 4) on I'll be updating you guys daily. So, today is my second round of LISS. Again, nothing new to report here. Tomorrow is an optional resistance workout and OBV I’m going for it. Talk to you then!


Friday, Jan 11 (Day 5)

5 days & 3 resistance workouts in and I feel great. Don't ask me why, because I don't know specifics on the chemical reactions that take place in the body when you work out, but I SWEAR I've been in a better mood and much more energized/motivated. 

Today was the optional Friday workout; a mix of resistance workouts that target the entire body. Although the individual workouts weren't that hard, I was only able to make it through one set of each workout within my seven minute circuits, I find the weighted step-ups & knee-ups, although not difficult, to take up a LOT of time. 

My abs and arms were still sore from Wednesday, and I was concerned I was going to struggle with those targeted workouts, however, I was able to power through the sets without an issue. 


Saturday, Jan 12 (Day 6)



Sunday, Jan 13 (Day 7)

Today marks the completion of week 1! ​So far, I'm extremely happy with the internal changes I've seen (yet to see external changes). I have more energy and am more motivated to work on myself...and I don't just mean physically. My mental game is strong right now - I feel like I was in a slump and couldn't get out of my own way for a while. This week served as a game-changer and I'm extremely excited to start week two!

I completed the first stretch session today (along with an LISS). I've never stretched in a structured format, and I thought sitting still on a mat on the ground would drive me insane, but it was oddly relaxing. 

There are 9 stretches in total, 7 of which require 2 rounds (ex: stretch the left arm, then the right). 

Each stretch lasts for 30 seconds, and you repeat the entire circuit twice. So, in total, you're stretching for 16 minutes. To be completely honest, I kept on for a bit longer as it was SO relaxing and felt amazing on my sore muscles! 


Monday, Jan 14 (Day 8)



Tuesday, Jan 15 (Day 9)

I planned starting week 2 on Monday with my first resistance workout of the week, but I had ZERO time to fit in a workout, so I doubled up my leg & cardio resistance workout with a session of LISS today. I personally don't want to get into the habit of "rescheduling" workouts, however, Kayla provides guidelines on which types of workouts you can double up on without consequence,. 

This leg & cardio workout was a killer. This is the first workout that incorporated jump-roping, which is probably the most difficult workout to do so far! After burpees, squats and lunges, jump-roping is HARD. I made it through one set of each workout in each circuit. I don't feel like I have any newfound strength or stamina in my legs/butt yet. This workout was equally as difficult as it was in week one.



Wednesday, Jan 16 (Day 10)

GOOD LORD was today's ab & arm workout difficult! ​Luckily I'm not too sore from yesterday, but I know I'll feel this one tomorrow! 

I found the commandos to be the most difficult exercise among the two circuits. I'm also still working with "girl pushups" for basically every exercise that includes any form of pushup. 

All things considered, I do feel like this ab & arm workout went better than last week. Although I'm still only able to make it through each workout once in the seven minute circuit, I feel like I am able to focus and push through better than I was previously. 


Thursday, Jan 17 (Day 11)

45 minute session of LISS!

There was an optional full-body workout today, however, I opted to go skiing and get in some legs! Since I only have a round of LISS scheduled for tomorrow, I'm going to double up and do the optional workout as well.


Friday, Jan 18 (Day 12)


Saturday, Jan 19 (Day 13)

Literally every muscle in my body was begging me to skip the optional workout. I begrudgingly pushed through the 45-min LISS round and forced myself to hit the full-body. Surprisingly, I was able to make it through the workout without much of a struggle. 

I made it through each of the 4 workouts in circuit one once, then the first workout a second time. I had enough time left to do workout 2 a second time, however, I physically could not do another jump lunge. These are one of the most difficult workouts for me. Same thing with circuit two - I was able to make it through each workout once, then workouts 1 & 2 a second time. I struggle to jumprope for the entire 2-mins allotted to it. I'd say I do 15 second spurts of jumping. One of my biggest end-goals is to make it through the full 2-minutes nonstop. I'm still doing "girl versions" of the commandos as well (imagine a girl pushup, commando style).


Sunday, Jan 20 (Day 14)



Monday, Jan 21 (Day 15)

WEEK TWO IS COMPLETE! That went by CRAZY fast. 

Unfortunately I don't see any outward physical changes yet, however, I am definitely increasing my stamina and more comfortable with each individual workout. 

Internally, I feel much less bloated and more energetic. My mindset, as mentioned previously, has improved to the point where I am more motivated (in terms of working out and other aspects of life in general). 

Today was another leg & cardio day. I made it through both circuits 1.5 times (all four workouts once, then workouts 1-2 a second time). During week 1's leg & cardio workout I was EXTREMELY nauseous and beyond exhausted. I did not experience such a drastic reaction this time around, which I consider to be progress! 


Sunday, Jan 27 (Day 21)


Hi All! I'm going to start weekly updates rather than daily, unless I have something important/changes to share.


Week three is complete and I ACTUALLY see physical changes now! Wednesday's (Jan 23, day 17) ab & arm workout felt SO good. I woke up the next morning with a FLAT stomach. Literally, it was flat. I saw upper ab definition as well! Needless to say, I was STOKED and couldn't wait to work out again. 

Thursday (Jan 24, day 18) was a basic LISS session. I typically walk outside, however, opted for the treadmill due to the weather. I stuck at a steady pace of 3.5 MPH for a solid 45 minutes. This was the first time I experienced tightness in my calves. At bit of stretching did the trick. I am, however, starting to get pretty bored with my I'll need to find other ways to incorporate LISS.

I skipped Friday's optional full-body workout and went for it on Saturday. I feel like I'm starting to get into the pattern of using Friday's as my "day off" and Sunday's as a "day-on." For some reason, this works better for my body. 

So, Sat's (Jan 26, day 20) full-body went well. I was expecting to wake up the next morning and see similar results as I did post-ab workout, however, no such luck. I do find that my stamina has GREATLY increased. I can power through a good portion of the workouts I once struggled to finish. I also no longer wake up sore. I may be a little "stiff" but I don't struggle to walk down the stairs! 

Sunday (Jan 27, day 21) was an easy LISS and stretch session. I find it odd that there is no real full-back stretch, so I add some additional stretches in (if I don't, my back is in pain!). 

Thursday, Jan 31 (Day 25)

I cannot believe week 4 is almost finished. The time has FLOWN bye.

Overall, I do feel as though I am stronger and don't struggle as much with the resistance workouts. This being said, the only real physical change I've noticed came after the ab & arm workout I mentioned above. I have high hopes that the next 1/3 of this program will generate some more physical changes.

Monday & Wednesday's resistance workouts went well. I still struggle the most with Monday's leg & cardio. DAMN are the jumping lunges killers. Abs & arms progressively get easier. LISS is definitely boring me....I can't wait to incorporate HITT! 


Sunday, Feb 3 (Day 28)


Today marks the end of week 4! I completed the optional full-body resistance workout on Saturday (Feb 2, Day 27) without too much difficulty. Another round of LISS and stretching closes out this week. I'll be away on vacation from Monday - Thursday, and most likely will not be getting any sets in. This being said, I'll be skiing the entire time so I won't be sitting stagnant! The plan is to finish "week 5" once I return, then repeat week 5. 


Thursday, Feb 7 (Day 32)

I may have been on vacation this Monday...but I did NOT skip over my leg & cardio workout! Skiing for a solid two days is one hell of a quad workout. I want to point out that I felt MUCH more prepared for my ski trip having worked out my legs for the past month. I don't think I could have withstood the amount of time on the mountain had I not participated in Kayla's workouts. 

Today I completed week 5's arm and ab resistance workout. The workouts themselves switched up for the first time and incorporated a few new concepts, so it took me a couple of minutes prior to figure out the moves. Not complaining about this AT ALL - it was great to switch things up. My arms are straight jello as I type this, so I'm sure I'll be a bit sore tomorrow. 

As I mentioned previously, I'm going to close out this week as if I didn't miss any of week 5's Monday-Wednesday sessions, however, I will repeat week 5 next week.


Thursday, Feb 14 (Day 39)


First off, happy Valentine's Day! This week served as my "second week 5" to make up for my off-schedule workouts last week. Monday's (Feb 11, Day 36) leg & cardio workout was TOUGH per usual. Physically, I do see a bit of change in my legs. My thighs are more defined, but have a long way to go before I'm happy with their shape. While each leg workout is still the hardest of the resistance options, I definitely do find it easier to complete each individual workout. The jumping lunges still KILL me, however, I can get through more reps without dying of agony. Additionally, I no longer wake up sore the next morning, which is great! 

On Wednesday (Feb 13, Day 37) I powered through the arms & abs workout with a bit more strength than last week. I am still working on pushups and commandos "girl style" and struggle with upper body strength, however, I do see improvement. My favorite workouts by far are the abs resistance sets - I LOVE the burning feeling in my abs and see the most results with my stomach than any other area of my body thus far. 

Since next week marks the half-way point, I'll probably take a "week 6 pic" and throw it against my "before pic." I don't expect to see much difference yet, and per other reviews, real change doesn't occur until about week 8. 


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